The Week In Capsule

News: An intelligence-boosting gene in newborn babies explains why breast-feeding raises a child's IQ, scientists have found…

News:An intelligence-boosting gene in newborn babies explains why breast-feeding raises a child's IQ, scientists have found.

Children with a particular version of the gene perform significantly better in IQ tests if they have been breast-fed as infants. On average, breast-feeding adds seven points to their IQ scores, even after allowing for different social backgrounds. The gene, FADS2, is closely involved in the way the body processes fatty acids in the diet.


"It's clear yoga isn't of any harm, and there are some objective benefits."


- Bobby Khan, director of cardiovascular research at Emory University School of Medicine in the US, at the American Heart Association's scientific conference in Orlando. The research found that patients with congestive heart failure reap physical and mental benefits from twice-weekly yoga.