Health Sector Jobs:The Irish Blood Transfusion Service has vacancies for medical scientists at its quality control and diagnostic laboratories.
Permanent and temporary full-time posts are available at the National Blood Centre in Dublin. The salary scale is €33,053-€51,411 and the entry point is dependent upon relevant public sector experience.
The National Anaesthesia Training Programme (eastern region) is seeking basic specialist trainees/SHOs in anaesthesia. Applications should be made to the Department of Anaesthesia at St James's Hospital, Dublin by Friday, February 23rd .
Aiséirí, an addiction intervention, treatment and recovery facility based in Cahier, Wexford and Waterford, is seeking to appoint a director. The position is a three- to five-year contract, negotiable for the successful candidate, also by Friday, February 23rd.
In Cork, the South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital has a number of vacancies. The hospital is seeking a temporary senior pharmacist and a senior clinical antimicrobial pharmacist. At management level, the hospital wishes to appoint a temporary senior executive officer (grade VII) in the risk management department (nine-month contract). A human resources officer (grade VII) post is also available. There are also vacancies for a care assistant and for an assistant staff officer (grade IV).
Cork University Dental School and Hospital has a vacancy for a clinical fellow in restorative dentistry. The salary scale for the position is €33,895-€55,061; closing date is Friday, March 2nd.
The Irish Cancer Society has an opening for an assistant manager in the night nursing service.
The National Rehabilitation Hospital in Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin has three vacancies - an environmental services officer, a patient liaison and advocacy officer (part-time, fixed-term, one-year contract), and for an equipment officer (project development) for a fixed-term six-year contract.
Irish Autism Action has a number of positions open, including an information officer post and jobs for a senior educational psychologist, a senior occupational therapist and a senior speech and language therapist.