Hearing damage case is settled for £30,000

An action taken by a former soldier against the Minister for Defence for damages for hearing loss and tinnitus was settled for…

An action taken by a former soldier against the Minister for Defence for damages for hearing loss and tinnitus was settled for £30,000 at the High Court yesterday.

Mr Oliver Reddan (38), of Cecil Street, Limerick, served in the Defence Forces for 11 years from 1975. His action was to proceed before Mr Justice Carney yesterday but was delayed by talks between the sides.

It is understood both parties agreed the amount of hearing loss sustained by Mr Reddan, using the "Green Book" standards, was 17 per cent. The "Green Book" sets out standards for assessment of hearing loss based on experts' recommendations.

Last week a High Court judge, in a case involving former soldier Mr James Greene, accepted the standards for measuring hearing loss as set out in the "Green Book" and awarded Mr Greene £3,000 damages for a 2 per cent disability.


Mr Justice Carney struck out the matter with no order and awarded costs to the plaintiff.