High compliance with smoking ban found

National compliance rates of up to 97 per cent have been recorded since the smoking ban was introduced, according to an official…

National compliance rates of up to 97 per cent have been recorded since the smoking ban was introduced, according to an official report to be published next week.

Following statistics compiled from health boards and other sources in recent days, the Office of Tobacco Control (OTC) will confirm there has been widespread compliance with the ban since it was introduced almost two months ago.

The report will say compliance rates in settings ranging from the workplace to the hospitality industry are in the mid to high 90 per cent range.

However, it appears there have not been any prosecutions yet in relation to the ban for flouting the law. Fines of €3,000 may be issued to anyone caught smoking illegally. The owner, manager or person in charge of a workplace is also legally responsible.


The law is being policed by a team of 400 inspectors, 100 of whom are Dublin-based, according to health authorities.

Authorised officers from the health boards and the OTC have been visiting premises since the ban's introduction, while a special workplace compliance phoneline has also been in operation.

Inspectors have initially been giving warnings to anyone suspected of breaking the law, although the Minister for Health, Mr Martin, has indicated that a more stringent approach will be taken after an initial "settling-in" phase.

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien is Education Editor of The Irish Times. He was previously chief reporter and social affairs correspondent