High Court awards brain-damaged boy €3.75m

A brain-damaged child with cerebral palsy has been awarded €3

A brain-damaged child with cerebral palsy has been awarded €3.75 million in settlement of his action alleging negligence in the circumstances of his birth at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda.

The High Court heard Jamie Casey, who is a twin, suffered devastating brain damage because of the management of his birth in October, 2000.

The case was taken against the North Eastern Health Board by his parents, Susan and Seamus Casey, of Chapel Close, Naul Road in Balbriggan, Co Dublin.

Yesterday, Mr Justice Kearns heard that Jamie's mother gave birth to twin boys at the hospital on October 11th, 2000.  Jamie was born 32 minutes after his brother Jack.


Outlining the case, Mr Denis McCullough SC,  for Jamie, said the child had suffered devastating brain damage and would never lead a normal life. He was totally dependent on others.