Hepatitis C Compensation Tribunal has made its award to date. A civil in his mid thirties from south of Ireland was awarded £312,000 yesterday.
Mr Raymond Bradley, of Malcomson Law, solicitors, said his client, a haemophiliac, infected with Hepatitis by receiving contaminated blood factor products.
"These products are used in the case of haemophiliacs to stimulate blood clotting," Mr Bradley said.
Mr Bradley said his client was virus active and suffered from fatigue.
"Our company, an extension of an existing company of solicitors, was set up exclusively to handle Hepatitis C claims," Mr Bradley said.
"We represent the bulk of the haemophiliac applicants and a number of women who were infected."
He said he was impressed by the tribunal's efficiency and the knowledgeable manner in which it dealt with the complex medical issues raised during the evidence delivered by both Irish and UK medical experts.
Mr Bradley said the applicant, whose case took up all of yesterday for the tribunal, was extremely pleased with the award. It was a once off payment and his client now had four weeks in which to decide if he would accept it.