Holy Cross picket lifted for exams

Protestant residents are calling off today's picket outside Holy Cross Primary School in Ardoyne, north Belfast, because the …

Protestant residents are calling off today's picket outside Holy Cross Primary School in Ardoyne, north Belfast, because the children are due to sit their 11-plus transfer examination.

Mr Jim Potts, spokesman for the Concerned Residents of Upper Ardoyne, said that the object of the protest remained the achievement of a safe and stable environment for local Protestants.

The North's Education Minister, Mr Martin McGuinness, said it was vital that pupils at Holy Cross and nearby Wheatfield primary schools, sat the exam in a stress-free environment.

"My department has been in touch with the Holy Cross and Wheatfield school authorities to offer its support and both schools are satisfied that the arrangements they have put in place will enable the children to take the test in a calm and orderly atmosphere."


Mr Potts said that the loyalist protest would resume this afternoon after the 11-plus examinations had finished.