Homes 'time forgot' to get running water

A COMMUNITY surrounded by lakes and the Atlantic will finally have running water in their houses next year.

A COMMUNITY surrounded by lakes and the Atlantic will finally have running water in their houses next year.

Senator Fidelma Healy Eames said the families who live in 52 houses in the Letterard-Moyrus area of Carna in Connemara are a community "which time forgot".

The Fine Gael senator said the residents had to endure enormous hardships after being bypassed by several water schemes.

Householders have to bring water in barrels and other containers for drinking, washing and toilets, and have never been connected to a supply.


"They waited 30 years for the Carna-Kilkerrin scheme and then it passed them by. They couldn't believe it.

"Indeed, it is hard to believe that in 2008 there is a community here in Ireland which does not have running water," said Ms Healy Eames.

However, there will soon be water in the pipes after Galway County Council confirmed that an extension to the public water scheme was to go to tender and it was hoped that work would be finished by January or February of next year.

"The residents are delighted it is finally going to happen, but it is disgraceful they have been neglected for so long. There has been major hardship for families, especially when at a time of illness, funerals and visitors coming from abroad," said Ms Healy Eames.

Local resident Veronica Lydon said rearing children was extremely difficult, while it could be very difficult to cope if people visited.

"People living here have to use water sparingly and even then it can dry up during the summer," she said.

Some householders have to climb a ladder to refill a tank so that toilets can be flushed.

"These people have been forgotten about. Many of them live down lanes by the sea. They are surrounded by water and yet they have not a drop to drink," said Ms Healy Eames.