
Shifting the paradigm: In his book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (University of Chicago Press), the philosopher of…

Shifting the paradigm: In his book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (University of Chicago Press), the philosopher of science, Thomas Kuhn, described the change from one belief system to another as a paradigm shift.

Such a paradigm shift has yet to occur in terms of our move from a fossil fuel dependent society to a society using higher proportions of renewable energy fuels. Davie Phillips, events and communication manager of Sustainable Ireland, suggests it is high time it happened and his views are strongly reflected in the 11th Convergence Festival which runs from next Wednesday to Sunday, April 23rd. The programme is awash with energy-related conferences, workshops and fora.

A civic forum on Thursday will ask: is nuclear power an option? A workshop on Wednesday will explore the impact of high energy prices on Irish tourism. And independent policy energy analyst David Fleming will discuss concepts such as the lean economy and lean logic throughout the festival. There are also conferences on sustainable energy building and design. And, after all that, there's a chance to relax at a slow brunch on Sunday, April 23rd from noon to 5.30pm.

Bookings for all events at Cultivate, West Essex St, Temple Bar, Dublin. Tel: 01-6745773; e-mail: davie@sustainable.ie See also www.sustainable.ie/convergence


Industrial heritage in Skerries

Tuesday is International Industrial Heritage Day. It will be marked here by a lecture at 3pm in Skerries Mill, Co Dublin, by Norman Campion, president of the Industrial Heritage Association of Ireland (IHAI). Guided family tours of the two working water mills are at a reduced cost of €9 per family on the day. Skerries Mills are open daily from 10.30am-5.30pm, tel: 01-8495208. Also next Saturday, those interested in our industrial heritage should head to the Straffan Steam Museum, Straffan, Co Kildare where the IHAI is holding its annual general meeting at 11am. There will be tours of the museum after lunch. See www.steam-museum.ie/ihia for more details.

Barn owls in Killarney

The Killarney Park Education Centre's Annual Spring School runs from April 28th-30th. The programme includes talks on a barn owl conservation project and on the red squirrel in Ireland; also boat trips and guided walks. Cost €150. Tel: 064-35960; e-mail: knpeducationcentre@eircom.net

Waste not

The fourth annual Law and the Environment conference at University College Cork is on Thursday, April 27th. Sessions on planning and development, waste management law and environmental complaints are scheduled. Tel: 021-4902090; e-mail: o.mcintyre@ucc.ie

Musical structure

The John Roberts Waterford festival on architecture runs from April 28th-30th. Keynote speakers will discuss the architecture of drama, dance and music and look at the performance spaces in the work of Renzo Piano. See also www.johnrobertswaterford.iewww.earthday.net

This year, the site is launching a campaign to educate consumers, companies and governments worldwide on the urgent need to take steps on climate change. Also, to coincide with World Earth Day on Friday, there will be a live online chat with renowned climate change experts.

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health, heritage and the environment