
Nature events and notices

Nature events and notices

The state we're in

The Environmental Protection Agency's just-published review of the state of Ireland's environment in 2004 has some good news and bad. The good news is that recycling levels are increasing . Household recycling increased nationally from 5.6 per cent in 2001 to 9.3 per cent in 2002, and up to 20 per cent in Dublin in 2003. Meanwhile, commercial recycling increased from 13 per cent in 2001 to almost 21 per cent in 2002. The target is 35 per cent recycling by 2013. The bad news however is that transport emissions doubled from 9.5 per cent of total emissions in 1990 to 17 per cent in 2002 - due mainly to increased road transport. The number of cars on Irish roads increased by 82 per cent in the same period, and 64 per cent of commuters travel to work by car. With one-off houses in the countryside now accounting for nearly 40 per cent of new homes, the threat to ground-water from septic tank effluent was another major concern. www.epa.ie

European Green Days


A guided tour of a bird reserve in Co Mayo will take place on Sunday, May 30th, as part of the European Green Days initiative. These activity-days take place throughout the European Union to promote Natura 2000 sites, the EU network designed to protect certain habitats and species. Dave Suddaby, the Birdwatch Ireland project officer at Termoncarragh Lake, will take visitors around the Termoncarragh Lake on the Mullet Peninsula. For more details of European Green Days see http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/greenweek/greendays. For details about Sunday's event, contact Birdwatch Ireland on 01-2819878.

Park life

The Wicklow Mountains National Park has an impressive calendar of events planned for the summer months. A lecture series on Thursdays at 8 p.m. in the Glendalough Education Centre begins on June 10th with a talk on otters, stoats and pine martens. Other themes to be pursued on subsequent Thursdays include badger conservation, the solar system, world heritage management and illegal wildlife trading. Nature walks leave from the Glendalough Information Office on Sundays at 2pm and Wednesdays at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Many of the Sunday walks are family-friendly with guides identifying trees, insects and flowers. Bat walks are planned for some Thursday evenings at sunset. Seven to 13-year-olds can also join in "art in the park" workshops on Wednesdays at 2 p.m. in the Glendalough Education Centre (prior booking required). Admission free to all events. Contact 0404 45656/45425 or educationcentrewicklow@duchas.ie for full schedule.

Bog heritage

A reminder for bogland enthusiasts that the Irish Peatland Conservation Council's open day at its new premises, The Bog of Allen Nature Centre, Lullymore, Rathangan, Co Kildare, goes ahead next Saturday. Events run from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. and include pond dipping, garden composting, wormery demonstrations, guided tours of bog heritage and nature craft activities for children. Booking 01-8732297. Admission costs €5 per car or 2 per person.