
SYLVIA THOMSPSON previews some outdoor activities

SYLVIA THOMSPSONpreviews some outdoor activities


A project is currently underway to track down and record heritage trees across Ireland. The scheme, which is funded by the Heritage Council, the Tree Council of Ireland, the Irish Tree Society and Crann aims to record different types of trees so that they can be protected. The recorders, Kate Crane and Aubrey Fennell are keen to hear from members of the public who know the location of any large, important, bizarre-looking, sacred, historical or ancient trees. If you know of such a tree, send details of its whereabouts, its common name, any photographs or story about why it should be recorded to the Heritage Tree Hunt, Tree Council of Ireland, Seismograph House, Rathfarnham Castle, Dublin 14.



Canoeists and kayakers can do National Trails Day for the first time this year because water routes have been added in to the mix of trails organised throughout the country on Sunday, October 4th.

The event has been extended to the whole island this year as the Northern Ireland Forest Service joins the National Trails Office of the Irish Sports Council and Coillte in hosting events. Included is a canoe trip on Lough Erne, Nordic walking in Carrickgolligan Woods in the Dublin Mountains, a walk led by wildlife expert Eanna Ni Lamhna in Oak Park Forest Park in Carlow, and a walk in Ireland’s first forest park in Gougane Barra, Co Cork. See nationaltrailsday.ie


Water is getting warmer. Storms are getting stronger and the availability of food that is obtainable from our oceans and rivers is under threat.

These are just some of the points that Dr Ken Whelan will make in the introduction to his public talk on Salmon – the Climate Change Forecasters at 6pm on Thursday, October 8th in the Royal Irish Academy (RIA), Dawson Street, Dublin.

Dr Whelan will explain why it is that salmon can help us to track changes in the physical, chemical and biological nature of our oceans and rivers.

The lecture is part of the RIA’s public lecture series. Admission is free but advance booking is advisable on ria.ie



The above website is from the Irish wing of an international organisation that promotes responsible treatment of the outdoors among walkers, climbers and other users of the natural environment.

Check out the seven principles of responsible behaviour. Also, follow links to see what is happening in the US and Canada.