Horse owners to protest against new Act

Major disruption is expected in Dublin's city centre this afternoon as horse owners and their horses take to the streets in protest…

Major disruption is expected in Dublin's city centre this afternoon as horse owners and their horses take to the streets in protest at the new Horses Act. Mr Edward Dunne, chairman of the Urban Rural and Traveller Horse Owners' Association (URTHOA) said last night that members from Clondalkin, Finglas, Cabra, Tallaght, Blanchardstown, Ballyfermot and "all over the south side" would be meeting in Smithfield at noon today. As well as their horses they planned to bring along the vehicles the horses draw. A substantial number of travellers are also expected to take part.

The marchers will be protesting at the "heavy-handed" manner in which, according to Mr Dunne, the law is being implemented by Dublin Corporation.

The protest intends proceeding from Smithfield to Blackhall Place where a letter will be handed in to the Law Society. It will criticise those solicitors who advised on preparation of the new law.

From Blackhall Place it will cross the Liffey to protest outside Dublin Corporation's Civic Offices, before heading for Leinster House.