Horses for courses

Queen Elizabeth's birthday (official), is on June 16th and as usual the British ambassador (still resident in Glencairn on a …

Queen Elizabeth's birthday (official), is on June 16th and as usual the British ambassador (still resident in Glencairn on a three-year lease and not interested in buying Farmleigh), will be throwing a party.

Ivor Roberts not only plans some special entertainment in the form of four military bag-pipers for the biggest social occasion in the embassy year and an expanded guest list to include British showbiz stars resident in Ireland, but he also intends reviving the annual August Horse Show party. In recent years Veronica Sutherland dropped the Glencairn party and the British team was entertained by her number two at the chancellery, the bunker on the Merrion Road. Now it seems it's back to the good old times. Different styles.