Hotelier can appeal repossession order

A Co Wexford hotelier has been given until today to decide if she wishes to mount a Supreme Court challenge to an order for repossession…

A Co Wexford hotelier has been given until today to decide if she wishes to mount a Supreme Court challenge to an order for repossession by her landlords of the Stopford House Hotel in Courtown.

The Circuit Court president, Mr Justice Esmonde Smyth, told lawyers for Ms Catherine Somerville Large that she owed her landlords, Joseph and Eileen Keane, substantial arrears in rent, and the court would expect to see at least £10,000 paid off the bill.

Ms Margaret Levey, counsel for Mr and Ms Keane, said a possession order for the hotel, formerly known as The Sands, had been made, with a stay of 14 days providing part of the arrears were paid. She said this had been extended by Judge Buttimer, but overturned on appeal to the High Court. It was now up to Ms Somerville Large to either appeal the matter to the Supreme Court or abide by the existing possession order.

Ms Levey said an application to the Circuit Court to grant an extended stay pending consideration of an appeal to the Supreme Court was merely a delaying tactic.