House raiders shoot man in both legs

A 48-year-old Dublin businessman who was shot in the legs in front of his family may have been the victim of a botched robbery…

A 48-year-old Dublin businessman who was shot in the legs in front of his family may have been the victim of a botched robbery, gardaí believe.

Named locally as Gerard Doyle, the man was forced to lie on the floor of his house by two raiders at about 10.30pm on Wednesday.

The intruders burst into the house in Ring Road, Inchicore, after Mr Doyle's wife, Anne, answered the door.

They demanded money from Mr Doyle, who works as a sales manager at a forklift company in Rathcoole, Co Dublin.


Two of the couple's three children were in the house at the time.

Neighbours say the raiders demanded not only cash, but the keys to Mr Doyle's SUV parked outside. They shot him after he struggled to get the key off its fob.

Though they made off with the key, they did not take the vehicle, and left on foot.

Neighbours say they were shocked by the shooting. The Doyle family are well-known and liked in the area. Cllr Joan Collins, who lives in Ring Street, said. "He's just a working man. This is an outrageous attack. The whole community is shocked. We wish him a speedy recovery."

Mr Doyle was taken to St James's Hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery yesterday. His condition is not life-threatening.

Gardaí have issued a description of the two men involved. One is described as 6ft 6in tall, of slim build with a luminous green or yellow scarf about his face and dark clothing.

The other is 5ft 11in and was wearing dark clothing.

Anybody with information is urged to contact Kilmainham Garda station at 01-6669700 or Crimestoppers at 1800-666111.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times