How to . . . listen to radio on your PC

1. You need hardware: PC with soundcard (plus speakers or headphones plug). A 28.8k modem will work, but 56

1. You need hardware: PC with soundcard (plus speakers or headphones plug). A 28.8k modem will work, but 56.6K is recommended.

2. Get the free software. RealPlayer/G2 (download it from and Windows Media Player (probably on your PC) cover most of the radio world.

3. Surf directories such as, Yahoo!'s, (international and all Irish stations) and radio. These link to live feeds or point you to stations' websites, where a mouse-click connects you to the broadcast.

4. Technology is still unwieldy, so get used to slow or broken links, and time "buffering" (pauses due to heavy Internet traffic). Enjoy!