HSA investigate Limerick builder's site death

The Health and Safety Authority has launched an investigation today after a builder was crushed to death when a wall collapsed…

The Health and Safety Authority has launched an investigation today after a builder was crushed to death when a wall collapsed on him in Co Limerick.

A garda spokesman confirmed that the wall of the two storey house collapsed in Curraghbridin, in Castletrea, and trapped the 24-year-old man. He was dead when freed by firefighters, he said.

The body was taken to Limerick Regional Hospital for a post-mortem examination.

A spokeswoman for the Health and Safety Authority confirmed that an inspector had travelled to the site to conduct an investigation.


The inspector would decide whether any regulations had been breached and compile a report. If there was suspicion of wrongdoing, a file could be sent to the DPP for a decision on whether to prosecute the building firm, the spokeswoman added.

The contruction company said it was conducting its own inquiry, but said it appears the accident was caused by a freak wind.