HSE employee charged with theft

A former HSE employee has been sent forward for sentence on charges relating to the theft and attempted theft of over €170,000…

A former HSE employee has been sent forward for sentence on charges relating to the theft and attempted theft of over €170,000 from the HSE and its suppliers.

David Cooper (52) was back before Cork District Court today in relation to a total of 12 charges relating to his time as an employee at St Mary's Orthopaedic Hospital in Cork.

Mr Cooper with an address at Southern Road, Cork is charged with six counts of theft from the HSE of sums totalling €55,450 between June 6th and Jun 27t,h 2012.

Mr Cooper, who has since resigned from the HSE, is also charged with four counts of attempted theft from the HSE of sums totalling €107,314 between June 29th and July 6th, 2012.

Today at Cork District Court his solicitor Frank Buttimer said that his client wished to enter a signed plea of guilty to the charges which are to be dealt with at Circuit Court level.

Judge Con O'Leary noted Mr Cooper's signed plea of guilty and remanded him on continuing bail to appear at the current sittings of Cork Circuit Criminal Court on February 11th

He made it a condition of M rCooper's continuing bail that he had no contact directly or indirectly with any member of the HSE administration staff.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times