Human rights campaigner Msgr Denis Faul (74) dies

Renowned human rights campaigner Monsignor Denis Faul died today after a long battle with cancer.

Renowned human rights campaigner Monsignor Denis Faul died today after a long battle with cancer.

Msgr Faul, who was a leading light in attempts to end the Troubles throughout the 35 years of bloodshed, died at the Bon Secours Hospital in Dublin today at the age of 74.

Msgr Denis Faul
Msgr Denis Faul

The Catholic Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland Seán Brady this evening described the priest as "an outstanding pastor."

He said he was  "a man of boundless energy" and that his life "was an eloquent testimony that justice requires consistent courage, and that peace must be underpinned by morality at all times."


Dr Robin Eames, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of the Church of Ireland said he regarded Msgr Faul as "a man of integrity and spiritual strength."  He said he was "privileged to know him, and on several occasions to be associated with him in matters of concern to both our communities."

Msgr Faul first rose to prominence when he marched with the Civil Rights movement in 1968, which was demanding equality for Catholics in the North.

He was criticised by then Primate of Ireland, Cardinal Conway after attracting attention with a pamphlet in 1969 which said the unionist-appointed judiciary "perhaps  actively promoted systematic discrimination against the Catholic minority."

He also protested against human rights abuses by the British army and Royal Ulster Constabulary in the 1970s and was also outspoken about republican and loyalist paramilitary violence.

Msgr Denis Faul intervened in the republican H-Block hunger strikes 25 years ago in a bid to save the lives of some of the 10 men who died in the Maze Prison.

He also campaigned for the release of the Birmingham Six and the Guildford Four who had been wrongly imprisoned in Britain for the bomb attacks before their cases became high-profile.

He is survived by his brothers Dr Peter, Stephen and Terence and sister Brigid.

Father Faul's remains will be removed to Church of St Columcille, Carrickmore for Mass on Thursday at 7.00 pm. He will be buried on Friday following Funeral Mass at the Church of St Columcille, Carrickmore.

Éanna Ó Caollaí

Éanna Ó Caollaí

Iriseoir agus Eagarthóir Gaeilge An Irish Times. Éanna Ó Caollaí is The Irish Times' Irish Language Editor, editor of The Irish Times Student Hub, and Education Supplements editor.