Human rights post created

The British government is seeking a Chief Commissioner to run Northern Ireland's new Human Rights Commission, writes Suzanne …

The British government is seeking a Chief Commissioner to run Northern Ireland's new Human Rights Commission, writes Suzanne Breen. The commission is expected to begin work in February, and the job offers an annual salary of £50,000 to £70,000.

The Northern Ireland Office Minister, Mr Paul Murphy, said: "The commission will be a radical ground-breaking part of the new arrangements in Northern Ireland. It will be a powerful force in developing an active human rights culture in Northern Ireland through education and research."

The commission will replace the existing Standing Advisory Commission on Human Rights.

Its responsibilities will include reviewing the effectiveness of law and practice relating to the protection of human rights and making recommendations to the Northern Secretary and Stormont Assembly, as appropriate.


It will also help people who are taking cases on human rights issues. One of its functions will be to advise on the scope for creating a bill of rights for the North.