'Hurt and disappointed', Ring claims reshuffle snub

Veteran Fine Gael TD Mr Michael Ring made no effort to hide his disappointment at losing a position on Fine Gael's front bench…

Veteran Fine Gael TD Mr Michael Ring made no effort to hide his disappointment at losing a position on Fine Gael's front bench in leader, Mr Enda Kenny's reshuffle today.

The former social and family affairs spokesman said he was "gutted, hurt and disappointed" at being offered the marine portfolio, which he immediately declined claiming it was a junior ministry portfolio.

"I have given 25 years to Fine Gael, another man has given two weeks and he's spokesman for health," he said. "That speaks for itself."

Mr Ring said he had worked very hard for his Mayo constituents and claimed the offer of the marine position, in which he would work opposite junior minister Pat 'The Cope' Gallagher, was an insult.


"I am gutted for myself, my family and my supporters," he said. "I felt Fine Gael owed a lot more to me than that. Enda Kenny tried to make out to me it was a promotion, I said 'no Enda, that's a demotion and I won't take it.' "

He said his party leader and constituency colleague, Mr Kenny, had repeatedly asked him to reconsider but he felt he could not accept a demotion.

"I speak out on behalf of the people who elect me," he added. "They won't stop me from speaking, inside the House or outside the House. "

"I am the best team player they have. I have carried this team and am the hardest worker and I am not going away."

Referring to his offer of a committee vice-chair's role which carries a stipend, Mr Ring said he could not "be bought with a vice-chair's job."

"I am not in this for the money.  If I wanted money I would have continued as an auctioneer."

Mr Ring said he would now take time out with his family to reconsider his future although he denied he would quit the party.

Mr Kenny's decision was strongly criticised by former Independent MEP and presidential hopeful, Dana Rosemary Scallon.

Mr Ring was one of the few elected politicians to have publicly supported Ms Scallon's ill fated attempt to run in the presidential election. This evening she blamed the Mayo TD's "honourable stand" what she described as his axing.

"It is evident that Enda Kenny is punishing Michael Ring and deliberately damaging his loyal political career because of his honourable stand over the recent Presidential nomination process.

"Michael Ring took a stand on an issue of leadership, principle and democracy and he is now paying the price for being a forthright, ethical and principled person - qualities which are sadly lacking in many political leaders," she said.

Mr Kenny has serious ethical questions to answer over his leadership, she added.

Additional reporting: PA