Hyperactive boy refused a place in class

A 15-year-old hyperactive boy who recently passed his Junior Certificate has been informed by several schools in his area they…

A 15-year-old hyperactive boy who recently passed his Junior Certificate has been informed by several schools in his area they cannot offer him a place on the senior cycle, the High Court was told yesterday. Yesterday, Ms Justice McGuinness granted the boy's mother permission to bring proceedings against the Minister for Education and the State for failing to provide appropriate education suitable to the boy's special needs.

Mr John Hanlon read an affidavit by the mother who claimed her son experienced severe learning difficulties in primary school. He had difficulty with concentration, memory and was hyperactive.

The boy also had similar difficulties throughout his three years at the secondary school and had been suspended on three occasions for breaching school rules. Later, the school principal wrote stating the school was "unable to offer" her son a place in the senior cycle but gave no reasons.

The mother said her son had been refused a place by three other schools. Despite numerous letters to the Department of Education, no positive response had been received.