Ictu protests at Stormont over job cuts

Trade Union members are to stage a protest today at Stormont as part of a campaign to block public sector job cuts.

Trade Union members are to stage a protest today at Stormont as part of a campaign to block public sector job cuts.

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (Ictu) has called on all trade unions to join in the protest.

The “Speak Up For Public Services” campaign claims 6,000 jobs will be lost if cuts are enforced, but the government insists it is pushing for greater efficiency.

Ictu said a series of measures, including aspects of the Northern Ireland Executive’s Programme for Government and the changes scheduled under the Review of Public Administration, will result in job losses.


Northern Ireland’s largest public sector union, Nipsa, will take part in the Stormont protest.

General Secretary John Corey said: “We are going to the Assembly today to highlight to Assembly members, and the public, the very serious threats to our future public services in Northern Ireland.

“We have already identified up to 6,000 job cuts over the next three years. It would be impossible to deliver quality public services with that level of job loss."