IICD 'concern' over UVF weapons

The body overseeing paramilitary disarmament in Northern Ireland today expressed concern that the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF…

The body overseeing paramilitary disarmament in Northern Ireland today expressed concern that the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) had dealt with the issue of its weapons on its own.

Following a statement today by the UVF about its intentions to move away from paramilitarism and criminality, Gen John de Chastelain's Independent International Commission on Decommissioning (IICD) urged the loyalist group to work with it to destroy the arsenal.

An IICD spokesman said: "We note the statement by the UVF and the Red Hand Commando regarding their future intentions.

"We welcome and are encouraged by the proposal to end their involvement in paramilitarism and reject criminal activity. We are concerned by their intention to deal with their arms without the involvement of the IICD.


"Without the commission's involvement their action on arms does not meet the requirement of the decommissioning legislation and the agreement reached by the parties in the Belfast Agreement," the spokesman said.

"We are prepared to meet with the UVF representative to discuss how we can work together in dealing with arms."