Immigrant group criticises Cork TD

A group working with asylum-seekers and refugees in Cork has reacted angrily to comments by a local Fianna Fáil TD who described…

A group working with asylum-seekers and refugees in Cork has reacted angrily to comments by a local Fianna Fáil TD who described the immigrants as "spongers" and "freeloaders".

The joint chairs of NASC, the Irish Immigrant Support Centre, in Cork said the language used by Mr Noel O'Flynn was provocative and dangerous.

Mr Piaras Mac Einrí and Ms Pauline Chiwangu, in a joint statement, said: "In a week after a Chinese student was the victim of a savage racist attack which led to his death, we suggest a greater degree of sensitivity on the part of public representatives is the least that can be hoped for. There would appear to be a concerted attempt by a handful of politicians in Cork city to play the race card for their own electoral advantage."

Mr O'Flynn said last night he was standing by his comments. He had received huge support for his comments and only two e-mails expressing concern.


"I'm not in any way racist," he insisted. "I've done a tremendous amount for people who are genuine asylum-seekers wishing to get asylum in this country, but I'm against those that are coming in illegally and abusing the system and abusing the people of Cork".

NASC claimed there were "no more spongers, freeloaders or people screwing the system in the asylum community than in any other part of the population".

The chief executive of the Irish Refugee Council, Mr Peter O'Mahony, said Mr O'Flynn's remarks were untrue and intemperate.

Fine Gael's justice spokesman, Mr Alan Shatter, said in the Dáil last night that racism was being "scandalously and disgracefully fuelled and contributed to" by statements made by Fianna Fáil members of the house such as Mr O'Flynn.