Imran declared girl's father

Los Angeles - Former candidate for Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan has been declared the legal father of a four-year-old…

Los Angeles - Former candidate for Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan has been declared the legal father of a four-year-old girl born out of wedlock to the daughter of a late British tycoon. Neither Imran nor his attorneys appeared at the Los Angeles Superior Court, and a "default judgment" was entered against him, ruling him father of Tyrian Jade born on June 15th, 1992.

Ms Sita White claims she met Imran - then the captain of the Pakistan cricket team - in 1988 and conceived the child with him in October 1991. Ms White, daughter of the late Lord Gordon White, a British businessman, and her daughter live in Beverly Hills. Imran, who is married to Ms Jemima Goldsmith and has a son, lost the election for prime minister.