In defence of civil servants

Unionist leader David Trimble cut loose at Irish civil servants - those involved in the Northern talks that is - last Tuesday…

Unionist leader David Trimble cut loose at Irish civil servants - those involved in the Northern talks that is - last Tuesday, saying they had mishandled the negotiations in the run-up to the suspension of the Assembly, had offered carrot after carrot to republicans and had been unable to deliver on promises.

Now their former boss, David Andrews, at his first meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday, has sprung to their defence. Having paid tribute to his successor as Minister, Brian Cowen, he said the head of the Anglo-Irish Division, Dermot Gallagher, who becomes secretary general to the Department of the Taoiseach on May 1st, had given dedicated and strong leadership in the national interest in the peace process. "Both he and his colleagues had performed their duties in an heroic and patriotic manner at considerable personal cost and sometimes, danger to themselves and in all circumstances the criticism was unfair and groundless."

Meanwhile, it is expected that Andrews will be appointed as new chairman of the Irish Red Cross by the Government, as soon as the organisation's president and our President, Mrs McAleese approves. He will replace Richie Ryan, former FG Minister for Finance.

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