In short

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More news in brief.

C of I 'Gazette' columnist dies aged 91

The board of the Church of Ireland Gazette has expressed its condolences to the family of Canon John Barry (91) who has died. He had been a columnist with the Gazette for 50 years.

Ordained in 1938, he served in St Matthew's, Belfast until 1941 followed by terms in St Mark's, Dundela and Dunluce. He was Incumbent in Hillsborough for 34 years, until his retirement in 1983.


A canon of St Anne's Cathedral, Belfast from 1956 to 1964 and Chancellor of Down Cathedral until 1973, Canon Barry was a Prebendary of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, from 1973 to 1983.

Diocese to attend ploughing contest

The Catholic diocese of Kildare and Leighlin will, for the first time, have its own stand at the National and World Ploughing Championships in Grangeford, Tullow, Co Carlow, next week.

The Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Dr Jim Moriarty, said: "Irish people are justly proud of our tradition of fáilte, or welcome. It is this same sense of welcome that we, in the Catholic diocese of Kildare and Leighlin, wish to extend to all who are attending the ploughing championships."

Physiotherapy closure deplored

The closure due to staffing difficulties of the physiotherapy service in Drogheda has been deplored by Meath East Fine Gael TD Shane McEntee.

"This physiotherapy service is extremely important to the wellbeing and quality of life of many people across the northeast. Its recent sudden closure due to staffing difficulties is another sign of the crisis we see every week in the delivery of health services in this region."