In short

Today's other stories in brief

Today's other stories in brief

US general warns of civil war in Iraq

BAGHDAD - The top US general in the Middle East said yesterday that sectarian violence in Iraq could lead to civil war, a warning underscored by an attack on a Shia wedding party that killed five people.

"Sectarian violence probably is as bad as I've seen it, in Baghdad in particular," Gen John Abizaid said. "If not stopped, it is possible that Iraq could move toward civil war." - (Reuters)


21 killed in Afghan bomb attack

KANDAHAR - A suicide car bomb attack aimed at a convoy of Nato troops in southern Afghanistan killed at least 21 civilians yesterday, officials said.

The bombing in the Taliban stronghold of Kandahar province came within hours of three separate attacks on Nato troops that killed four soldiers and wounded several more. - (Reuters)

Diva Schwarzkopf dies aged 90

AUSTRIA - Soprano Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, one of the greatest voices of the 20th century, died at her home in Austria yesterday. She was 90.

She ranked alongside Maria Callas as a giant of the opera and concert stage. Schwarzkopf, who retired in 1975, captivated audiences during a career that spanned four decades. - (Reuters)

Paedophile jailed for 20 years

YORK - One of Britain's worst paedophiles was jailed yesterday after he admitted waging a 30-year campaign of rape and sexual abuse against young children.

Robert Smith (65) was told by the judge that he deserved to die in prison as he was jailed for 20 years at York Crown Court. - (PA)

17 killed as aircraft crashes in Congo

KINSHASA - Seventeen people died when an aircraft crashed due to bad weather in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo yesterday, a UN spokeswoman said.

The Antonov 28 was flying in low cloud as it approached Bukavu airport when it clipped a mountain and plunged into a forest in flames. - (Reuters)

UK warning on alcohol addiction

LONDON - England is in the grip of a dangerous alcohol addiction, public health experts warned last night after the release of research showing that 18.2 per cent of adults binge drink more than double the daily recommended limit at least once a week. In the northeast and northwest, nearly a quarter of adults consume double the limit in one or more sessions each week. - (Guardian service)

Mock crucifixion draws church's fire

ROME - Madonna's plans to stage a mock crucifixion during a her "Confessions" concert in Rome on Sunday have drawn fire from religious leaders, who condemned the stunt as "an act of open hostility" toward the Catholic Church. - (AP)