In short

Today's other stories in brief

Today's other stories in brief

Police search scrubland for McCann child

PRAIA DA LUZ - Police in Portugal sealed off a deserted area of scrubland and used sniffer dogs to search for Madeleine McCann near Praia da Luz, where the four-year-old British girl was snatched more than six weeks ago.

About 10 police cars were parked on the side of a road and police officers walked around with sniffer dogs near the site where an anonymous letter published by Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf on Wednesday said her body could be found. - (Reuters)


Turkish president calls referendum

ANKARA - Turkey's secularist president has called a referendum on plans backed by the Islamist-rooted government to have his successors as head of state elected directly by the people rather than by parliament.

The move highlights a dangerous power struggle between Turkey's secular elite and prime minister Tayyip Erdogan's ruling AK Party. - (Reuters)

Six Lebanese soldiers killed

NAHR AL-BARED - Six Lebanese soldiers have been killed by an explosion in a building booby-trapped by Islamist militants at a Palestinian camp in north Lebanon.

Four more soldiers were wounded by the blast yesterday, which destroyed the building at the Nahr al- Bared camp, where the army has been fighting Fatah al- Isam for nearly four weeks. - (Reuters)

Danube delta trade fishing ban

SOMOVA - Romania plans to ban commercial fishing in the Danube delta to protect the natural environment in one of Europe's most biodiverse regions, according to prime minister Calin Tariceanu.

A vast expanse of marshland on the shores of the Black Sea, the Danube delta is home to many endangered species and a major resting stop for migratory birds. - (Reuters)

Riot before plane leaves runway

BERLIN - A group of 13 intoxicated German men face fines of up to €25,000 after they started rioting on an aircraft even before it had taken off for its Spanish holiday destination.

The captain returned to the terminal building from the runway after the 13 men, who had accosted flight attendants, refused to sit down. - (Reuters)

Chirac faces graft questions

PARIS - Jacques Chirac's immunity expires at midnight, opening the way for judges to question him over alleged corruption and other scandals in France.

Mr Chirac (74) is not widely expected to face any charges. - (Reuters)