In Short

A round up of today's other court stories in brief...

A round up of today's other court stories in brief...

Cocaine led man to jump from flat

A young man who became increasingly paranoid after taking large amounts of cocaine died after he jumped through the closed window of a friend's apartment, an inquest has heard.

Noel Hewitt (25), Coultry Road, Ballymun, jumped through the sitting room window of a fourth-floor flat in Ballymun at about 8am on the morning of July 8th, 2007, having taken cocaine throughout the night, Dublin City Coroner's Court heard.


Pointing out that paranoia was a side effect of cocaine, coroner Dr Brian Farrell returned a verdict of death by misadventure.

Garda in court challenge retires

Assistant Garda Commissioner Martin Donnellan, whose employment officially ended at midnight last night, will apply to continue his employment if his legal challenge to the compulsory retirement age of 60 succeeds, the High Court has heard.

Mr Donnellan, the longest- serving detective in the State, claims the law requiring him to retire at 60 is ageist, irrational and contrary to changes in life expectancy.

Legal argument dominated the fourth day of the case yesterday.

Referee fails in legal battle

A senior Eircom League of Ireland referee has failed to be reinstated prior to a mid- season break in fixtures that begins this weekend.

Declan Hanney (44), Watson Park, Killiney, Co Dublin, was seeking an injunction in the Circuit Civil Court to force the Football Association of Ireland to allocate a game to him as referee.

Mr Hanney was not selected to referee matches for the past four weeks after criticism of his handling of a game between Sligo Rovers and Cork City on May 9th.

Refusing the application, Judge Jacqueline Linnane took into account a judgment by Mr Justice Frank Clarke last year involving the FAI and non-interference in its internal operations.

Man who set fire to bus is jailed

A man who has no recollection of setting fire to the top deck of a bus - causing over €100,000 worth of damage - has been jailed for four years at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court.

David Mills (22), Oakley Road, Ranelagh, did not realise the bus had been destroyed until friends told him three months later that they had seen him on the RTÉ Crimecall programme.

Mills took sleeping tablets before he got on the bus on Dame Street in Dublin city centre on Valentine's Night.

He was captured on CCTV footage setting fire to newspapers and placing a seat on top of them.

Mills pleaded guilty to damage by fire of the vehicle on February 15th, 2006. Judge Katherine Delahunt suspended the final year of the sentence and said Mills should receive significant medical attention in prison.

Fears Vietnamese boy trafficked

Gardaí are to contact Interpol over a Vietnamese boy to find out if he is on its missing children's list after fears were raised he may have been brought to Ireland by human traffickers.

The Dublin Children's Court heard yesterday that the 16-year-old boy's silence over how he came to be in Ireland could be a result of being in fear. He was brought to court last Tuesday to be charged with burglary at a residence on Galtymore Road, Drimnagh, Dublin.