In Short

A round up of today's other stories in brief...

A round up of today's other stories in brief...

Gunmen storm oil ship in Nigeria

LAGOS- Gunmen in southern Nigeria stormed a security vessel working for Canada's Addax Petroleum Corp yesterday, killing one navy seaman and injuring several others before being repelled by military reinforcements.

Attackers in speedboats ambushed the vessel with eight navy seamen on board as they travelled from the Calabar area near Nigeria's southeastern border with Cameroon towards Rivers state in the Niger Delta, home to Africa's biggest oil industry.


Militants, who say they are fighting for greater local control of the delta's natural resources, launched a campaign of violent sabotage against the oil industry in early 2006 which has forced the world's eighth-biggest exporter to cut output.

However, the line between political agitation and criminality has become blurred, with gangs kidnapping oil workers for ransom and funding themselves by stealing crude oil. - (Reuters)

Somalia peace deal signed

NAIROBI- Somalia's interim government has signed a peace deal on Monday with some opposition figures at UN-led talks in Djibouti that had looked on the brink of failure, according to a UN official.

Hopes had dimmed after both delegations refused for days to meet face to face to discuss ways of ending 18 years of conflict that have racked the Horn of Africa nation.

The details of what had been signed were not immediately clear, but hardline members of Somalia's opposition had denounced other opposition figures who took part in the meetings, casting doubt on the implementation of any agreement. - (Reuters)

Oil worker flees kidnappers

KHARTOUM- A third Indian oil worker has managed to escape from Sudanese kidnappers after almost a month held captive, according to his employer.

Four Indian engineers and their Sudanese driver were abducted as they drove through the remote and oil-rich region of South Kordofan in mid-May.

Surjit Singh managed to escape late on June 1st and spent five days walking alone through the remote territory, his manager, Mohamed Arif Khan, the head of Petro Energy Contracting Services, said.

Two other engineers escaped on Saturday last week although one of them subsequently went missing Mr Khan said. - (Reuters)

Policeman shot dead in training

MANCHESTER- Family and friends were left "devastated" after a police officer was shot dead on a training exercise.

The officer was killed after suffering a gunshot wound to the chest about 11.30am yesterday while on the exercise.

The officer was taken to North Manchester General Hospital but he was pronounced dead shortly afterwards. The officer was shot accidentally by one of his own colleagues.

An investigation is under way. - (PA)

Israeli soldier's family gets letter

JERUSALEM- The family of Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier abducted by militants in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, have received a hand-written letter from him.

Sgt Gilad Shalit was captured on June 25th, 2006, by gunmen who tunnelled into Israel from Gaza.

The report, by Israel's Channel 10 television, did not include the contents of the letter, but said its release came as a result of a visit by former US president Jimmy Carter.

Mr Carter met leaders of the Hamas Islamist group during his visit to the region early this year.

Sgt Shalit's family was not immediately available for comment. - (Reuters)