In Short

A round up of today's other stories in brief...

A round up of today's other stories in brief...

€500,000 of antique jewels taken in raid

Gardaí in Cork were last night seeking a three-man gang who made off with possibly €500,000 worth of jewellery when they used a taser gun to stun a staff member at an antique jewellery shop, writes Barry Roche.

Detectives believe two members of the gang wore wigs and sunglasses when they entered Victoria's Antiques in Oliver Plunkett Street at about 3.30pm and used a taser gun to stun a male staff member who came to the assistance of the female staff member on duty.


Gardaí are awaiting a full inventory of what is missing, but Garda sources admitted that the haul could run to €500,000 or more.

The gang spoke among themselves in a foreign language and gardaí were last night interviewing the female member of staff in the hope she might identify it.

The gang made their getaway in a waiting red Mazda with a 95 MN registration plate driven by a third man. It was found abandoned at Castlegreine Park on the Boreenamanna Road at about 5.30pm and was removed to Anglesea Garda station where Garda experts began a forensic examination for clues.

Gardaí have traced the last registered owner of the car to Limerick. They are studying CCTV footage from the shop and surrounding area in hope of identifying the culprits.

The injured man was removed by ambulance to Cork University Hospital where he was last night described as being in a stable condition.

TV3 presenter taken to hospital

The co-presenter of TV3's Ireland AMprogramme, Sinead Desmond, was taken to hospital yesterday morning with a suspected brain haemorrhage.

In a statement released last night, TV3 said Desmond, who is in her mid-30s, was undergoing a series of tests but was doing well.

Sinead's family were with her and were confident that she will recuperate, the statement said.

SVP appeal on missing man

The Society of St Vincent de Paul have asked for help in finding a 71-year-old resident of the society's Carlisle House in Dún Laoghaire.

Tom Ashe was last seen almost three weeks ago, on May 21st, at about 1.30am.

Mr Ashe is 5'5" to 5'6" tall, of slight build, with a full head of grey hair and a grey beard. When last seen he was wearing a green/blue jacket and grey trousers.

The society has asked anyone who has seen Mr Ashe or who has information on his whereabouts to contact their local Garda station.

Green elected as new mayor

Green Party councillor Tony McDermott has been elected the new mayor of South Dublin County Council and will continue the term in office held by the late Cllr Billy Gogarty (Green), who died last month.

Mr McDermott (55), will be mayor until June 27th when an annual council meeting will convene to elect a new candidate for the post.