In Short

A round up of today's stories in brief...

A round up of today's stories in brief...

Garda retiring age: judgment is reserved

The High Court has reserved judgment on the challenge by former assistant Garda commissioner Martin Donnellan to the law requiring assistant commissioners to retire at 60.

At the close of the five-day hearing yesterday, Mr Justice Liam McKechnie said he would give judgment within three weeks.


Mr Donnellan claims the law requiring him to retire at 60 is ageist, irrational and contrary to changes in life expectancy. He claimed a 1996 decision to change the age from 65 to 60 was unfair and he has asked the High Court to strike it down.

He had to officially retire last Saturday when he reached his 60th birthday but his lawyers have said they will apply to continue his employment should his action be successful.

Nevin seeks files on bombings

The DPP is opposed to handing over files relating to the Dublin-Monaghan bombings which are being sought by convicted murderer Catherine Nevin in her bid to have her conviction declared a miscarriage of justice, the Court of

Criminal Appeal heard yesterday.

Nevin claims material not given to her lawyers at her trial contains information casting doubt on the credibility and motivation of key prosecution witnesses.

At the court yesterday, Mr Justice Adrian Hardiman was told the DPP was opposing the motion to hand over the material.

He adjourned the matter to next month to allow both sides exchange affidavits on the discovery motion.

Nevin (55) was convicted after a 42-day trial in April 2000 of the murder of her husband, Tom, at their pub, Jack White's Inn, Brittas Bay, on March 19th, 1996.

Trial locked in legal argument

The trial of a Clare woman and a former Las Vegas poker dealer will continue in legal argument at the Central Criminal Court until tomorrow.

Sharon Collins (45), Ballybeg House, Kildysart Road, Ennis and Essam Eid (52), an Egyptian with a Las Vegas address, have pleaded not guilty to conspiring to kill PJ, Robert and Niall Howard in 2006. Ms Collins also denies hiring Mr Eid to shoot the three men.

Drug dealer jailed for 10 years

A drug dealer from one of Limerick's feuding gangs has been jailed for 10 years. Sean Hanley (48), nicknamed "Cowboy" because he was also a cattle dealer, was caught by gardaí with 3kg of amphetamines in Mountrath, Co Laois, four years ago.

Hanley pleaded not guilty but was convicted of drug dealing by a jury at Portlaoise Circuit Court. Judge Anthony Kennedy said the sentence was tailored to Hanley's circumstances. The court heard Hanley was in poor health mentally and physically and was still grieving for his 20-year-old son Brian stabbed in 2001.

Jeweller forfeits €60,000 to State

A Dublin jeweller who had stock valued at almost €500,000 seized by customs officers in 2005 has forfeited over €60,000 in cash, cheques and foreign currency to the State.

Keith Cusack, The Jewel Casket, South Anne Street, Dublin 2, came to the attention of Customs and Excise officials when a consignment of jewellery addressed to him was discovered hidden inside a void cut out of a book.