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More news in brief.

Injunction on electricians' pay hearing

The High Court has granted an injunction preventing the Labour Court from holding a hearing today on a pay rise for more than 10,000 electricians, writes Martin Wall.

Informed sources said the injunction was obtained on Friday by a new group representing electrical contractors which maintains it did not participate in the process which would see the pay of electricians rise by €1.05 an hour to €22.54.


For many years wage rates for electricians were set, following negotiations between employer and union representatives, in a legally binding registered employment agreement approved by the Labour Court.

Woman injured in shooting incident

Gardaí in Clondalkin, Dublin, are investigating a shooting incident which occurred shortly after 11pm on Saturday at a house in Corkagh View.

A 42-year-old woman was injured as shots were fired through the front door of her home. She was taken to Tallaght hospital and has undergone surgery. Her injuries were described as not life-threatening.

Funding for Palestinians

Minister of State for Overseas Development Peter Power yesterday announced a funding package of €241,000 for the NGO, Medical Aid for Palestinians.

The funds will be used for a maternal and child health outreach programme in the Nahr El Bared Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon.

Mr Power emphasised the Government's continuing commitment to support the Palestinian refugee population.

He said: "The dangers and uncertainties of the lives of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon were demonstrated last year by the appalling violence in and around the Nahr El Bared refugee camp. Eighty-five per cent of the homes in the camp were destroyed in the fighting."

Impact to meet HSE over dispute

The trade union Impact has said that it is "extremely sceptical" about the willingness of the Health Service Executive (HSE) to settle the current industrial dispute over recruitment restrictions in the health service which has seen about 28,000 staff operate a work-to-rule for three weeks.

The union is due to meet HSE management today in an attempt to find a resolution to the dispute, which involves staff working in therapy, managerial and administrative grades.