In Short

A round up of today's other court stories in brief...

A round up of today's other court stories in brief...

Extradition for carer facing abuse charges

A youth worker has consented before the High Court to his extradition to Scotland to stand trial on charges of sexually abusing six boys between 1992 and 1999.

Paul Martin (41), also known as Paulnacha O'Mairthini, with an address at Sliabh Brae, Ardee, Co Louth, is wanted on nine counts of indecent assault and lewd and libidinous practices allegedly involving the boys, aged between 11 and 18, mostly at his home in Scotland.


He also faces two charges of possession of cannabis and amphetamine for the purpose of supply, and another of failing to appear in court having been granted bail.

Mr Martin was a foster carer who was involved with youth groups and children's organisations in Scotland, according to the extradition warrant.

He was previously extradited from Ireland to Scotland in February 2007 and appeared in Perth Sheriff Court, where he was granted bail with conditions that he surrender his passport and would not allow himself to be alone in the company of anyone under 16 years of age.

The warrant stated he was due to attend trial at the High Court in Perth on April 1st last, but failed to appear.

Yesterday, Mr Martin was brought before the High Court in Dublin, having been arrested by gardaí on foot of a European Arrest Warrant issued on May 27th last.

Mr Justice Michael Peart said he was satisfied there were corresponding offences in this jurisdiction to those Mr Martin was charged with in Scotland, a requirement which must be satisfied for extradition to take place. The judge was told that Mr Martin was consenting to his surrender to the police in Scotland.

Mr Justice Peart said the order for his extradition would take effect 10 days from yesterday.

Man settles 'Mail' libel action

A Co Donegal man has settled a High Court libel action against a newspaper over articles dealing with the murder of a Sinn Féin councillor and alleged corrupt Garda activities.

Seán Berryman, Linsfort, Buncrana, had sued Associated Newspapers Ltd, publishers of Ireland on Sunday(now the Irish Mail on Sunday) arising out of three articles it published in 2002 and 2003 related to the murder of councillor Eddie Fullerton, who was shot dead at his Buncrana home in 1991.

The court was told yesterday that the action had been settled on terms including an apology to be read out in court and published by the paper.

Eoin McCullough SC, for Associated Newspapers, then read the apology, which stated that the newspaper unreservedly apologised to Mr Berryman and his family for the "considerable distress" caused to them by the articles.

HSE admits negligence

The HSE has admitted negligence in the circumstances of the birth of a severely brain damaged and blind boy at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda, Co Louth.

The High Court yesterday began a hearing to assess the damages to be paid to Aaron Trimble, of Dunbin, Knockbridge, Dundalk, Co Louth, arising from the admission of liability in the case.

The action is being taken by Aaron, suing through his mother Catherine Trimble (36), arising from the circumstances of the child's birth at the Drogheda hospital on March 26th, 2004.