In Short

A brief round-up of today's other stories...

A brief round-up of today's other stories...

Mass for former bishop of Derry

A special Mass was held yesterday in Derry to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the ordination of the former Bishop of Derry, Dr Edward Daly.

The Mass took place at St Eugene's Cathedral in the city yesterday afternoon. The public service noting the Golden Jubilee of the 74-year-old was attended by the Nobel laureate John Hume amongst others.


Dr Daly came to international prominence during the events of Bloody Sunday in Derry in 1972, after the release of a photograph showing him leading a group carrying a dying victim through the streets of the city in search of an ambulance while waving a white handkerchief.

Five rescued as boat runs aground

Lough Derg RNLI lifeboat was launched yesterday to assist a 34ft vessel aground near Kilgarvin Harbour at the northern end of the lake.

Valentia coastguard dispatched the lifeboat.

Weather conditions at the time were poor, with winds gusting to force nine, and showers of sleet and snow.

The five people on board were unharmed. It was decided to leave the boat and to take all five on to the lifeboat.

State's childcare record criticised

Labour's spokeswoman on childcare has said Ireland is years behind other EU countries in reaching childcare targets agreed at the Barcelona European Summit five years ago.

Senator Kathleen O'Meara said targets agreed in March 2002 committed all EU states to strive to "provide childcare by 2010 to at least 90 per cent of children between three years old and the mandatory school age, and at least 33 per cent of children under three years of age".

Ms O'Meara said that since committing to those targets, Fianna Fáil and the PDs had done precious little to implement a thorough childcare policy and were "nowhere near even coming close to reaching those goals". She said statistics showed Ireland was "rock bottom of the European league" in terms of publicly funded childcare provision.