In Short

A round-up of today's other stories in brief...

A round-up of today's other stories in brief...

Man stabbed in fight during early hours

A 21-year-old man was seriously injured when he was stabbed in the early hours of yesterday morning in Dublin.

The man was stabbed after a fight broke out between a number of people at Kiltalawn Close, Jobstown, at about 5am.


The man was stabbed in the abdomen and removed to Tallaght Hospital with serious injuries.

NUJ to vote on redundancy deal

Independent Newspapers journalists vote over the next four days on an amended voluntary redundancy package following a vote of no-confidence in their management last week, writes Kitty Holland.

The journalists, members of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), also rejected a package earlier this month in which management offered eight weeks' pay for every year of service, up to a maximum of €250,000. The new offer adds €10,000 to the minimum offer.

The company plans to contract out sub-editing and page layout to a new company, RE and D Ltd, based in Dublin, with other sections such as reviews and features being produced in Toulouse, France.

The company hopes to shed up to 156 staff.

Gardaí find AK47 assault rifle

Gardaí uncovered an AK47 assault rifle during a planned search of an area near St James's Walk in south Dublin on Saturday afternoon.

The firearm was found concealed in undergrowth close to Rialto bridge by gardaí from Kevin Street.

Members of the Ballistics Section of the Garda Technical Bureau are examining the weapon.

Three arrested in cocaine seizure

Two men and a woman were arrested on Saturday after drugs worth up to €40,000 were seized in the Curragh, Co Kildare.

The cocaine seizure was made when a vehicle was searched at around 9.45pm on Saturday night.

The men, aged 25 and 37, and a 25-year-old woman were arrested and detained at Newbridge Garda Station.

They were released without charge yesterday and a file is being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.

North adopts smoking ban

Northern Ireland wakes to a smoke-free future today as the ban on smoking in enclosed public places comes into force.

Ashtrays have to be packed away in cafes, bars and restaurants - as well as every other workspace - after the no-smoking legislation becomes effective at 6am.

The ban comes into force two months before that of England, a month after the Welsh ban and long after Scotland and front-runners, the Republic of Ireland.

'Tall Bike' cycle ride for charity

An Englishman has set out on a round-Ireland charity ride on his "Tall Bike". Rob Martin (41), from Leicester, will complete his six-week, 2,000-mile journey in Dublin in early June.

His custom-built Tall Bike, which is almost 1.5m (5ft) high, was built by welding together the frames of two bicycles. It has a maximum speed of 30mph.

Mr Martin hopes to encourage people to cycle and to raise thousands of euro for Focus Ireland and the UK-based Shelter group.