In Short...

FF picks three candidates for Wexford A weekend Fianna Fáil convention for the Wexford Dáil constituency selected three candidates…

FF picks three candidates for Wexford
A weekend Fianna Fáil convention for the Wexford Dáil constituency selected three candidates to contest the next election.

Minister of State John Browne was forced into a ballot when Cllr Lorcan Allen remained in the race. Mr Browne subsequently won by 116 votes to 35.

Cllr Lisa McDonald was selected unopposed to contest the Wexford electoral area.

Cllr Seán Connick went through unopposed in the New Ross electoral area.


Gardaí seize cocaine in Finglas

Gardaí seized about €5,000 worth of cocaine in a search of a nightclub in Finglas, Dublin, on Friday night. Four men were arrested. One man was charged and the other three were released.

Man spent night on Achill peak

A man survived the coldest night of the year so far on Croaghaun Mountain on Achill Island by wrapping himself in his overcoat. He was stranded on the mountain when fog descended on Saturday and he became disoriented.

Mayo Mountain Rescue members were called out when he failed to return to his B&B. He was found at 10.30am yesterday "stressed and tired from his experience."

Mayo Mountain Rescue escorted six students to safety off Mweelrea Mountain on Saturday morning after they were stranded on the summit when fog descended.

Irish in Lebanon remembered

A cedar tree was planted in Fitzgerald Park in Cork yesterday to mark the contribution of Irish UN peacekeepers in Lebanon.

The family of Private McCarthy of the 4th Battalion, who died in Lebanon, were presented with a medal.

Ryanair flight cancelled

A Ryanair passenger flight from London Gatwick to Dublin was cancelled yesterday evening after it was hit by a baggage truck.

All 187 passengers had to disembark after the accident, which happened as the Boeing was in a stationary position.