In Short

A round-up of other world news in brief...

A round-up of other world news in brief...

One in seven wants Berlin Wall back

BERLIN – One in seven Germans want the Berlin Wall back because they were better off when the country was divided, according to an opinion poll published yesterday ahead of the 20th anniversary of its collapse.

The survey of 1,002 Germans by the Forsa institute, published in Stern magazine, said 15 per cent of the country’s 82 million long for the days when there were two Germanys.


The survey found many westerners are bitter about higher taxes to pay for rebuilding the east, where some €1.2 trillion of state funds has been transferred in the last 20 years. – (Reuters)

Hariri designated PM for second time

BEIRUT – Lebanon’s president designated Saad al- Hariri prime minister yesterday, asking the Saudi- and US-backed politician to take on the job of forming a new government for a second time.

Mr Hariri was first designated prime minister in June, but stepped down last week, blaming rival politicians, including the Iran- and Syria-backed Hizbullah, for thwarting his attempts at forging a unity government including all Lebanon’s main parties.

Mr Hariri said he would begin wide consultations on the cabinet next week. – (Reuters)

Drug hitmen kill rehab patients

CIUDAD JUAREZ – Suspected drug hitmen have killed 10 patients in a Mexican rehabilitation clinic, the second such attack this month in the city of Ciudad Juarez on the US border.

Drug gangs have targeted rehab clinics in the city across from El Paso, Texas, accusing them of protecting dealers from rival gangs.

State attorney spokesman Vladimir Tuexi said the victims, nine men and one woman, were killed late on Tuesday as they finished praying before going to bed.

A similar attack took place earlier in September, when 17 patients at another clinic were killed. – (Reuters)

War reporter Brian Barron dies

Reporter Brian Barron, known to millions for his cool frontline reports from wars across five decades, died yesterday, the BBC has announced.

BBC News chiefs paid tribute to the unflappable former foreign correspondent, who was described as “among the greatest of that great generation”.

Barron (69) died yesterday from cancer with his wife and his daughter at his bedside. – (PA)

Reprieve after execution fails

CHICAGO – Executioners could not find a suitable vein in which to inject drugs to kill a 53-year-old murderer, who got a one-week reprieve from the Ohio governor so officials can figure out what to do.

“This is unchartered territory for us,” prison spokeswoman Julie Walburn said of the difficulty in killing convicted rapist and murderer Romell Broom.

Ms Walburn said several people would be consulted on how to perform the execution. – (Reuters)