In Short

Other World News in brief

Other World News in brief

Georgian policeman shot dead

GEORGIA: A Georgian police officer was shot dead and two others were wounded yesterday near the de facto border with breakaway Abkhazia.

The Georgian government blamed Abkhaz separatists, who it said had opened fire from within Abkhazia.


The officer was the third to be killed in shootings near Abkhazia and South Ossetia since the five-day Russia-Georgia war in August. - (Reuters)

Migrants' boat goes missing

EGYPT:A boat carrying 83 Egyptian illegal migrants headed for Europe has gone missing off the coast of Greece after leaving Egypt three days ago, Egypt's foreign ministry said yesterday.

The foreign ministry said it had learned that the boat left Damietta, on the north coast, and that communications were cut off.- (Reuters)

George Michael says sorry to fans

UK: Pop singer George Michael last night apologised to his fans for "screwing up again" after being cautioned for drug possession. He was arrested in public toilets in London on Friday and received a caution for possession of class A and class C drugs. - (PA)

New party leader in Japan

JAPAN: Japan's ruling party is poised today to choose Taro Aso, an advocate of more government spending to boost the economy, to be the next prime minister and woo voters before an election expected as early as next month.

He would take over from Yasuo Fukuda, who quit this month. - (Reuters)