In Short

A selection of today's other news stories

A selection of today's other news stories

Woman's body found in Tipperary farmhouse

Gardaí are treating as suspicious the circumstances surrounding the death of an elderly woman at a farmhouse in Borrisoleigth, Co Tipperary, writes Steven Carroll

Gardaí discovered the woman's body at about 1pm when they called to the house. When they got no response, the door was forced. Inside they found the body of a woman along with her sister, who was disorientated and had sustained injuries. Both women were described as in their late 80s and live in the house.


Gardaí are treating the death of the woman as suspicious, and have called in the State Pathologist's office. A technical examination of the scene was being carried out last night.

Kellogg's recall batch of cereal

Kellogg's has recalled a batch of its Coco Pops Creations cereal after the product was cross-contaminated with peanuts. The company has warned peanut-allergy sufferers not to eat any affected product and to return the pack bottom with its date code to its offices in Santry, Co Dublin, for reimbursement. Allergy-support organisations have been contacted so they can inform at-risk members, a spokesman said.

The recall applies only to Coco Pops Creations with best-before-end 13/5/08 sold in the UK and Ireland.

Shops fined for selling youth cigarettes

Three Limerick shops have been fined for selling cigarettes to a 14-year-old youth. The prosecution was taken by the HSE under Section 45 of the Public Health Tobacco Acts 2002 -2004 at Limerick District Court yesterday, where fines of €500 were imposed on each of the defendants.

James Cahill, a senior environmental health officer with the HSE, told the court he visited three shops on April 2nd last, where he witnessed a 14-year-old male volunteer acting on behalf of the HSE purchase 10 cigarettes. He said proof of age or identity was not sought by any of the retailers despite the fact that it is illegal to sell cigarettes to persons under the age of 18.

The three outlets who pleaded guilty to the offence were: Ryans College Park Stores, Corbally; Roches Late Stop Shop, Cash's Lane, Thomondgate; and Ger's Foodstore, Parnell Street.