In Short

A round-up of today's other stories in brief...

A round-up of today's other stories in brief...

Inquiry into lecturer's dual employment

Two third-level college have initiated internal inquiries, following confirmation that a lecturer had been working full-time for both institutions, writes Lorna Siggins, Western Correspondent.

The lecturer has resigned from both posts at NUI Galway and Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT) over the past fortnight, having commuted between the two colleges from his home in Co Galway for a number of years.


NUI Galway said it had initiated detailed reviews of internal processes and procedures, and would be "putting safeguards in place to ensure such an incident does not happen in the future".

Athlone IT confirmed a full-time member of its academic staff had resigned on November 30th, after the disclosure that while working there he was also employed full-time in Galway.

Alert over quality of water in Sligo

Four hundred people in Sligo have been put on alert that their water may be contaminated by a bug that sickened more than 2,000 people in Galway earlier this year.

Sligo County Council yesterday issued a notice that there were "low" levels of cryptosporidium in a stream that runs into the Calry river about two kilometres from Sligo town centre.

About 60 scattered households receive a piped water supply from the river.

A council spokesman said people had been advised to boil water until further notice.

Barrister dies after yachting accident

A leading Northern Ireland barrister died in a Caribbean hospital last night six days after being critically injured while competing in a transatlantic yacht race.

John Thompson QC (54) was taking part in the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers when he was hit on the head by the sail boom of his yacht, Avocet, during storms last Friday.

Witnesses to fatal collision sought

Gardaí at Mountjoy, Dublin, are seeking witnesses to an incident in which a woman pedestrian aged 63 was fatally injured in an incident with a truck at 1pm yesterday.

The injured woman was taken to the Mater hospital where she died from her injuries. The incident occurred at the junction of Phibsboro Road and the North Circular Road at Doyle's Corner.

Quinn group to continue campaign

The Quinn Support Group, which held its second public meeting in south Armagh last night, has stated that it will continue its campaign to ensure that those responsible for the murder of Paul Quinn in October are brought to justice, writes Gerry Moriarty Northern Editor.

The Quinn group said it now planned to bring its case to Leinster House, Stormont and Westminster.

No one has been charged in connection with the murder of Mr Quinn who was beaten to death by a masked gang of up to 15 members.