Increase in annual Sports Council grants

The Irish Sports Council today announced it will financially support 67 National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGB’s) by providing…

The Irish Sports Council today announced it will financially support 67 National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGB’s) by providing increased grants totalling over €11 million this year.

Of the €11.3 million total, approximately €7.16 million will be divvied up between 56 sporting bodies with the Athletics Association of Ireland (AAI) to receive the largest share, €676,749. The GAA, FAI and IRFU are expected to receive over €4 million when announced in the next few weeks.

"This substantial financial investment by the Council in NGB’s underpins our commitment to their work and is a statement of their central place in Irish sport," said John Treacy, Chief Executive of the Irish Sports Council.

This will bring the total to over €30 million invested by the Sports Council since it took over statutory responsibility in 1999.


The purpose of the grants is to offer financial assistance to the core activities of each sporting body such as, administration, coaching, competition and overall development of the sport.

The reason for the delay in allocation to gaelic, soccer and rugby is because the process is slightly different where the Council plays less of a hands on role.

Outwith today’s annual grant allocation, which was met with general approval, the Council also said it will invest over €1 million in the National Coaching & Training Centre (NCTC) in Limerick.

The NCTC provides coach education programmes in association with NGB’s and the running of training camps for elite squads each year.

Today’s announcement does not take into account the €3 million which was specially allocated for sport in the Budget 2002.

Top 10 sporting body recipients

1 Athletic Association of Ireland 676,749
2 Equestrian Federation of Ireland 447,443
3 Irish Amateur Boxing Association 427,873
4 Irish Sailing Association 419,328
5 Tennis Ireland 390,853
6 Swim Ireland 375,671
7 Irish Amateur Rowing Union 369,943
8 Irish Basketball Association 348,742
9 Irish Canoe Union 306,222
10 Irish Cycling Federation 304,200