India launches first mission to Moon

India launched its first unmanned moon mission yesterday as the emerging Asian power celebrated its space ambitions and scientific…

India launched its first unmanned moon mission yesterday as the emerging Asian power celebrated its space ambitions and scientific prowess.

Chandrayaan-1, a cuboid spacecraft built by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) blasted off from a southern Indian space centre shortly after dawn.

Barring any technical failure, the spacecraft will reach the lunar orbit and spend two years scanning the moon for any evidence of water and precious metals.

A gadget called the Moon Impactor Probe will detach and land on the moon to kick up some dust, while instruments in the craft analyse the particles, ISRO says.


A principal objective is to look for Helium 3, an isotope which is very rare on earth but is sought to power nuclear fusion and could be a valuable source of energy in the future, some scientists believe.

It is thought to be more plentiful on the moon, but still rare and very difficult to extract.

India's national television channels broadcast the event live. Some scientists thumped their chests, hugged each other and clapped as the rocket shot up into space.

"Our scientific community has once again done the country proud and the entire nation salutes them," Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said, while visiting Japan.

"What we have started is a remarkable journey," G. Madhavan Nair, chairman of ISRO, told reporters.

Greeted with patriotism in the media, the launch appeared to have helped India regain its self-confidence, which has taken a beating in recent weeks amid signs of an economic slowdown as well as international criticism over Hindu attacks on Christians.

The project cost $79 million (€61 million), considerably less than the Chinese and Japanese probes in 2007, and ISRO says the moon mission will pave the way for India to claim a bigger chunk of the global space business and follow China's path into space.

In a country where hundreds of millions of people still live in poverty and millions of children remain malnourished, the cost of the moon mission has scarcely been questioned.

For many proud Indians, the launch is another notch in the country's global ambitions. India recently signed a civil nuclear deal with the United States, ending decades of nuclear isolation following its first nuclear test in 1974.

In April, India sent 10 satellites into orbit from a single rocket, and ISRO says it is plans more launches before a proposed manned mission to space and then onto Mars in four years time.

It is also building a tropical weather satellite with France, collaborating with Japan to improve disaster-management from space, and developing a heavy-lift satellite launcher that it hopes to use to launch heavier satellites by 2010.

India has launched 10 remote sensing satellites since 1998, has several broadcast satellites in space to control 170 transponders and has also launched light-weight satellites for Belgium, Germany, Korea, Japan and France.
