Industrial production up 14.6 per cent

Industrial production rose 14

Industrial production rose 14.6 per cent in October 2000 from the corresponding period in 1999, according to figures released today by the Central Statistics Office (CSO).

The detailed External Trade release for October 2000 and the Industrial Production Index for August - October 2000include significant revisions as a result of thereceipt of amended returns from some major enterprises arising from the ongoing detailed investigation of the consistency of returns from large enterprises.

The overall effect of the amended returns is to reduce the published exports total for January - September 2000 by £543m (1.1% of total exports).

The revisions affect only the totals for organic chemicals. A further consequence is that the geographic allocation of exports has been significantly revised. Aggregate exports to the US have been reduced by £1,503m for the same period while aggregate exports to the EU have been increased by £960m.


Following the receipt of theamended returns, the monthly production indices have also been revised. The revisions arise in the chemicals sector for all periods back to 1996 and the encompassing aggregates (Manufacturing Industries, Transportable Goods Industries, Intermediate Products and All Industries) are affected.

The annual percentage change in the All Industries production index has been revised upwards by 2.7, 4.6 and 4.2 points for 1997, 1998 and 1999 respectively.