Inquest into hospital death adjourned

An inquest into the death of an elderly woman at Cavan General Hospital nearly five years ago was adjourned for the sixth time…

An inquest into the death of an elderly woman at Cavan General Hospital nearly five years ago was adjourned for the sixth time today, pending a decision on whether charges will be brought over her treatment.

Rose Duke (72), of Earlsvale Place, died at the hospital on November 12th, 2003, from multiple organ failure and septicaemia caused by a perforated bowel.

She had been admitted on November 9th, complaining of abdominal pain, chest pain and vomiting. She underwent an operation for an incarcerated hernia two days later but died in the early hours of the following day.

Gardai conducted an investigation into the care Ms Duke received in the hospital prior to her death and sent a file to the Director of Public Prosecutions over a year ago.


Cavan Cavan county coroner Dr Mary Flanagan today agreed to adjourn the inquest until October on the application of gardai.

Supt Brian Brunton told the coroner the DPP has directed that further inquiries be carried out by the gardaí into the matter. The senior garda said these investigations had concluded and that the information had been forwarded to the DPP.

A solicitor for the Duke family emphasised the urgency of concluding the inquest as soon as possible.

The case was adjourned until October 16th.