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A man appeared in court yesterday charged in connection with a shooting in Dublin's north inner city last Friday.

Gary Hutch (25), Lower Sherrard Street, Dublin, was charged with having a firearm with intent to endanger life at Coburg Place on December 8th.

A man in his 20s, Jason Reilly, was shot four times, but survived the attack.


Yesterday in Dublin District Court, Det Insp Walter O'Connell objected to bail for the accused. Following a Section 2 Bail Act application, details of which cannot be published due to possibly prejudicing his case, Judge Cormac Dunne refused bail.

He remanded Mr Hutch in custody to appear in Cloverhill District Court on December 20th.

Remanded over attack on woman

A 26-year-old man charged with falsely imprisoning a woman and assaulting her in the Dublin mountains has been remanded in continuing custody.

The man who cannot be named by order of Judge James O'Connor, is charged with falsely imprisoning a woman and with assault causing harm at Military Road, Glasamucky, Co Dublin, on November 19th last.

Insp James O'Connor told Tralee District Court yesterday the State's application was for continuing remand in custody.

It was a serious matter and the instructions of the DPP were awaited. David Ramsay, solicitor for the accused, said his client was not consenting to being remanded in custody but did not wish to give evidence yesterday in relation to bail.

Judge O'Connor remanded the man in continuing custody to appear again at Tralee District Court on December 20th next.

Woman tells of health risk

A woman who is suing a health board and doctor over injuries allegedly sustained in an operation 10 years ago has told the High Court she and her partner have opted not to have children as it would be a risk to her health.

Louise McNamee (35), Faughart, Dundalk, Co Louth, was giving evidence in her continuing action against consultant gynaecologist James Fallon, and the North Eastern Health Board, arising from an operation at Louth County Hospital on May 26th, 1997.

She had elective surgery to relieve pain which she believed was being caused by a urinary tract infection. She said she did not remember being told about the risks involved in the operation.

She remembered waking up after the operation and being rushed to X-ray.

When she woke up in the intensive care unit, she remembered seeing Dr Fallon who told her her bowel had been perforated. The defendants have denied negligence. The case continues.

Boy 'destroyed woman's life'

A 14-year-old boy, who mugged an elderly woman, destroyed her quality of life leaving her physically and psychologically scarred, unable to do simple household chores and constantly insecure, a court has heard.

The boy, now aged 16, had pleaded guilty at the Dublin Children's Court, to robbing a handbag from the woman, who is in her 70s, at Convent Road, Clondalkin, on January 16th, 2005.

The court heard the victim had been waiting for a bus home after Mass.

The youth grabbed her handbag and she was dragged along the ground, leaving her with back injuries.

Judge Timothy Lucey ordered the boy's mother to pay €1,000 to the victim as a gesture of remorse and added that if the sum was paid within three months, the youth would receive a three-month suspended sentence at his next appearance in March 2007.