Intel anti-trust evidence revealed

EU antitrust regulators detailed today evidence from Intel clients that led to the European Commission's record €1

EU antitrust regulators detailed today evidence from Intel clients that led to the European Commission's record €1.06 billion fine on the US chip giant in May for illegally shutting out rival AMD.

In its May decision, the Commission said Intel paid computer makers to postpone or scrap plans to launch products using AMD chips, gave illegal rebates to encourage them to use Intel products and paid a retailer to stock only computers with Intel chips.

Intel, the world's biggest chipmaker, appealed to Europe's second-highest court in July, saying the fine was "manifestly disproportionate" and that the Commission had failed to prove that its actions harmed consumers or thwarted competitors.

Internal documents from Intel's clients -- Dell, Hewlett-Packard, NEC , Lenovo and Media Saturn Holding -- and their evidence to the Commission showed Intel conducted two types of illegal practices, the Commission said.

