Internet wonderful but needs regulating, says Pope

The Internet caters to the best and worst of human nature and needs regulation to stop depravity flooding cyberspace, Pope John…

The Internet caters to the best and worst of human nature and needs regulation to stop depravity flooding cyberspace, Pope John Paul said today.

Public authorities surely have a responsibility to guarantee that this marvellous instrument serves the common good and does not become a source of harm.
Pope John Paul II

The 81-year old Pontiff, who last year sent his first message over the Internet, praised it as a wonderful instrument that should be used to spread the word of God and encourage global peace.

However, he warned that while it offered access to immense knowledge, the Internet did not necessarily provide wisdom and could easily be perverted to demean human dignity.

"Despite its enormous potential for good, some of the degrading and damaging ways the Internet can be used are already obvious to all," the Pope said in a message prepared for World Communications Day.


"Public authorities surely have a responsibility to guarantee that this marvellous instrument serves the common good and does not become a source of harm," he added.

Although the Pope does not have an e-mail address, the Vatican has an active Web site ( and the Church is reportedly searching for a patron saint of Internet users.